Project In brief Tales of Transition – Communicating Transitional Justice project is a media and art project comprising several different segments in terms of its realisation; however, it is homogeneous in its investigative and phenomenological orientation. The key objective is to raise general awareness about meanings of transitional justice and to present the actual problems of the contemporary society in B&H and their direct connection to the notion of transitional justice. This will help encourage an active role of the citizens and free media in a democratic society, and strengthen civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The goal of the project is to educate journalists and filmmakers involved in investigative journalism on transitional justice issues and promote art for social change, promote public understanding and initiate public debates related to transitional justice in general.
This activity has been made possible with financial support form the Royal Norwegian Embassy s in Bosnia and Herzegovina Project Crew Amra Baksic Čamo, Project Director [email protected] Meridijana Sadović, Education Project Manager [email protected] Zoran Ćatić, Education Program Producer [email protected] Media partners Implementing partner