
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mersiha works as a journalist and is the pride of her family. When her parents discover she has kept them in dark about her relationship with Miki, they want to meet him as soon as possible, so send him a dinner invitation. Miki travels to Jajce to visit his mother when his bus mysteriously vanishes at Komar Mountain. The search for the bus is sluggish, and unsuccessful until a phone call triggers a major police operation. Travellers wake up in the bus and find it parked in the middle of a meadow surrounded by forest. They cannot access a mobile signal and there is no traffic on the nearby road. Mershiha travels to Komar with her best friend, hoping to learn more about the disappearance of the bus and find Miki in time for dinner with her parents.

Feđa Štukan, Nedim Šuvalija, Dino Bajrović, Faketa Salihbegović Avdagić, Saša Oručević, Izudin Bajrović, Nikola Pejaković, Lamija Salihović, Anastasija Dunjić, Issa Osmić, Uma Mujezinović, Igor Skvarica, Arman Salihović, Lejla Hakalović, Pia Vrdoljak, Haris Bidžan, Ena Husić, Kerim Čutuna, Harun Ćehović, Dino Sarija

  • Creator: Timur Makarević
  • Directors: Una Gunjak Vedran Rupić Timur Makarević
  • Writers: Olja Runjić Timur Makarević Emina Omerović
  • Producers: Amra Bakšić Čamo Adis Đapo
  • Editors: Redžinald Šimek
  • Casting directors: Timka Grin
  • Directors of photography: Dušan Joksimović
  • Music: Dušan Vranić
  • Sound designers: Igor Čamo
  • Costume designers: Sanja Džeba
  • Set designers: Emina Kujundžić